Take Japan Tsunami in Indonesia Hot Money
Earthquake that hit Japan's big weekend with the strength of 8.9 on the Richter Scale (SK) has rocked the stock exchange and financial markets of the world. How could I not? The quake was a very large earthquake after earthquake in Kobe, Japan, in 1995 then.
The earthquake this time also brought the Nikkei index fell to touch the level of 8200. Yet four days before the Nikkei is still moving at 10000-10200 levels. This decrease was greater than during the Kobe earthquake occurred at that time the Nikkei fell only about seven percent. Japan's stock decline that reached 22 percent is also dragged regional markets of Asia, Europe, and America joined with the corrected.
Indeed this is the case wajar.Sebab, many large companies set up branches or factories in Japan. Indonesia Stock Exchange was not immune from market corrections. Luckily the buying pressure from the fund managers are still able to create level CSPI stay above 3,500. If you want to see the direct impact of the Indonesian economy, it's too fast and need further research.
However, obviously some blue chip listed companies in Indonesia have close links with Japan. Call it like PT United Tractors Tbk (UNTR) that direct its stock price plummeted from levels Rp23.900 until touched Rp21.400 low level in just three days. So is the stock price of PT Hexindo Adiperkasa (hexa) that fell from the level of Rp6.950 until touched Rp5.950 low level also in the same period.
Product Komatsu UNTR is indeed experienced substantial destruction of the factory. However, the decline in stocks is perfectly UNTR excessive expectations of investors against companies whose performance will decrease due to disruption of production of Komatsu heavy equipment. Meanwhile, the hex is a distributor of heavy equipment that is certain Hitachi brand also experienced a disruption of production due to earthquake and tsunami.
Regarding the negative impact of Japan's disaster, the management UNTR still can not estimate the impact this is having on the company. The Company has not received a direct explanation from the Komatsu regarding the destruction of four of the seven manufacturers of heavy equipment in Japan due to the earthquake and tsunami. It also includes the impact of the decline in production.
ASII more beruntung.Pasalnya, ASII Management said that the production of the Astra car was not in Japan, but in Thailand and Indonesia. ASII Management also said, there is the possibility of exporting cars terganggu.Perseroan exporting 1,000 units per month to Jepang.Perseroan also export cars to Asean countries, Middle East, and South Africa. Chief of Corporate Commnuication PT Astra International (ASII) Istanto Arief said the impact of 9 magnitude earthquake that occurred in Japan on Friday (11 / 3) and then to the production of four-wheeled vehicles and two wheel Astra is still small.
Recorded only Toyota Crown car component manufacturing done in Japan, while the rest many are produced in Indonesia. Mobilmobil such as Innova and Avanza using components produced in Indonesia and Thailand. The earthquake and tsunami in Japan is not expected to negatively impact the performance of the domestic market. Therefore, there will be capital inflow on the bourses in the region of Southeast Asia.
This is because many investors to withdraw funds from the Japanese market to anticipate the impact of disasters which would disrupt the country's economic activity. Moreover, the fund manager who came out of Japan would divert them to target emerging markets like Indonesia. Thus, it will benefit us going back there market.Selain inflowmasuk into it, also because oil prices slumped back below U.S. $ 100 per barrel could be a little to calm investors related to the March 2011 inflation figures this.
Monthly Technical Analysis Chart JCI
JCI is still in bullish trend when viewed using a monthly chart. It appears that the trend line support which has been formed since 2008 still maintain JCI crash in the range of support levels 3300. In March of this index will try to determine his fate until the end of 2011. With a position that has been highly critical of this will change for the worse when JCI through 3300.
Conversely, if able to end March at the top level of 3300, JCI has the potential to re-test the highnya in this year. Moving average (MA) 5 Months to 20 Months MA trends are also still in the golden cross. However, the monthly stochastic already experienced death and exit from the overbought cross area.Ini indicate the possibility there will be selling pressure in the short term. This selling pressure will test the 3300 support level strong survive or tidak.Secara historical, in the last three years, JCI closed in March is always positive.
Weekly Chart
Weekly chart shows the index is still in a position of basing (consolidation) after experiencing a sharp correction in January 2011 then. JCI needs to rise above 3630 levels to break the head and shoulders pattern that is currently the status is still active in JCI. MA 5 Weekly had already tried to back up close to the MA 20 golden crossini Weekly event will be very good for the CSPI. Weekly MACD Momentum was also visible starting to improve for five consecutive weeks although the general trend of the MACD is engaged in cross-nya.Sementara death stochastic indicator is in a position close to the position uptrending golden cross centerline area.
Daily Chart:
On the other hand, the daily chart shows that support JCI MA MA 20 Days and 36 Days are strong enough to withstand the recent JCI correction. JCI also still safely on the pattern of inverted headand his shoulder that has a neckline at the level 3.510.Selama JCI is still able to close above 3510, this pattern can be said is still valid. To see that the momentum of the MACD indicator has weakened and the potential for death on the cross when the index fell below the 3470 level. Stochastic indicator is also still in a position of death cross and out of the overbought area. Support JCI currently located at 3470-3480 levels and resistance at 3600-3630 levels.
Tsunami Jepang Antarkan Hot Money ke Indonesia
GEMPA besar yang melanda Jepang akhir pekan lalu dengan kekuatan 8,9 Skala Richter (SK) telah mengguncangkan bursa dan pasar finansial dunia. Bagaimana tidak? Gempa ini merupakan gempa yang sangat besar setelah gempa yang terjadi di Kobe, Jepang, pada 1995 lalu.
Gempa kali ini juga membawa indeks Nikkei jatuh hingga menyentuh level 8.200. Padahal empat hari sebelumnya Nikkei masih bergerak di level 10.000–10.200. Penurunan ini lebih besar daripada saat gempa di Kobe terjadi yang saat itu Nikkei hanya jatuh sekitar tujuh persen. Penurunan bursa Jepang yang mencapai 22 persen ini juga menyeret bursa regional Asia, Eropa,dan Amerika ikut terkoreksi dengan dalam.
Memang ini adalah hal wajar.Sebab,banyak perusahaan besar mendirikan cabang atau pabrik di Jepang. Bursa Indonesia pun tidak luput dari koreksi market. Beruntung tekanan beli dari para fund manager masih sanggup membuat IHSG bertahan di atas level 3.500. Jika ingin melihat dampak secara langsung terhadap perekonomian Indonesia, rasanya terlalu cepat dan butuh penelitian lebih lanjut.
Namun, yang jelas beberapa emiten blue chip di Indonesia memiliki kaitan erat dengan Jepang ini. Sebut saja seperti PT United Tractors Tbk (UNTR) yang harga sahamnya langsung terjun bebas dari level Rp23.900 hingga sempat menyentuh low di level Rp21.400 hanya dalam waktu tiga hari. Begitu juga dengan harga saham PT Hexindo Adiperkasa (HEXA) yang jatuh dari level Rp6.950 hingga sempat menyentuh low di level Rp5.950 juga dalam kurun waktu sama.
Produk UNTR adalah Komatsu yang memang mengalami kehancuran pabrik yang cukup besar. Namun, penurunan saham UNTR merupakan tindakan yang sangat berlebihan dari para investor terhadap ekspektasi kinerja perseroan yang akan menurun karena terganggunya produksi alat berat Komatsu. Sementara itu, HEXA merupakan distributor alat berat merek Hitachi yang sudah pasti juga mengalami gangguan produksi akibat gempa dan tsunami.
Mengenai dampak negatif bencana Jepang, manajemen UNTR masih belum bisa memperkirakan dampak yang akan terjadi terhadap perseroan. Perseroan belum mendapat penjelasan langsung dari pihak Komatsu mengenai rusaknya empat dari tujuh pabrik alat berat tersebut di Jepang akibat gempa dan tsunami. Ini juga termasuk dampak terhadap turunnya produksi.
ASII lebih beruntung.Pasalnya, Manajemen ASII menuturkan bahwa produksi mobil Astra bukan di Jepang,melainkan di Thailand dan Indonesia. Manajemen ASII juga mengatakan, ada kemungkinan ekspor mobil yang terganggu.Perseroan mengekspor 1.000 unit per bulan ke Jepang.Perseroan juga mengekspor mobil ke negara Asean,Timur Tengah, dan Afrika Selatan. Chief of Corporate Commnuication PT Astra International (ASII) Arief Istanto mengatakan, dampak gempa bumi 9 SR yang terjadi di Jepang pada Jumat (11/3) lalu terhadap produksi kendaraan roda empat dan roda dua Astra masih kecil.
Tercatat hanya pembuatan komponen mobil Toyota Crown yang dilakukan di Jepang,sedangkan sisanya banyak diproduksi di Indonesia. Mobilmobil lainnya seperti Innova dan Avanza menggunakan komponen yang diproduksi di Indonesia dan Thailand. Bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami di Jepang diperkirakan tidak berdampak negatif terhadap kinerja bursa domestik. Sebab, akan terjadi capital inflow pada bursa-bursa di kawasan Asia Tenggara.
Ini karena banyak investor yang menarik dana dari bursa Jepang mengantisipasi dampak bencana yang akan mengganggu aktivitas ekonomi negara tersebut. Apalagi para fund manager yang keluar dari Jepang akan mengalihkan incaran mereka ke pasar negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Dengan demikian, ini akan sangat menguntungkan kita yang akan kembali ada inflowmasuk ke dalam market.Selain itu, juga karena harga minyak yang kembali melorot di bawah USD100 per barel bisa sedikit menenangkan para investor terkait angka inflasi pada Maret 2011 ini.
Technical Analysis Monthly Chart IHSG
IHSG masih dalam trend bullish jika dilihat menggunakan monthly chart. Terlihat bahwa garis trend line support yang sudah terbentuk sejak crash 2008 masih menjaga IHSG di kisaran level support 3.300. Pada Maret ini IHSG akan coba menentukan nasibnya hingga akhir tahun 2011. Dengan posisi yang sudah sangat kritis ini akan berubah menjadi buruk bila IHSG menembus 3.300.
Sebaliknya bila mampu mengakhiri Maret di atas level 3.300, IHSG berpotensi kembali mengetes highnya di tahun ini. Moving average (MA) 5 Months dengan MA 20 Months juga masih dalam trend golden cross. Namun, stochastic secara monthly sudah mengalami death cross dan keluar dari overbought area.Ini menandakan kemungkinan akan ada tekanan jual dalam jangka pendek ini. Tekanan jual inilah yang akan mengetes level support 3.300 kuat bertahan atau tidak.Secara historical, dalam tiga tahun terakhir, IHSG pada Maret selalu ditutup positif.
Weekly Chart
Weekly chart menunjukkan IHSG masih dalam posisi basing (konsolidasi) setelah mengalami koreksi tajam pada Januari 2011 lalu. IHSG perlu naik di atas level 3.630 untuk mematahkan pola head and shoulders yang saat ini statusnya masih aktif di IHSG. MA 5 Weekly pun sudah mencoba untuk kembali naik mendekati MA 20 Weekly apabila terjadi golden crossini akan sangat baik untuk IHSG. Momentum MACD Weekly juga terlihat mulai membaik selama lima pekan berturut-turut meski secara umum MACD bergerak dalam trend death cross-nya.Sementara indikator stochastic berada dalam posisi golden cross uptrending mendekati posisi centerline area.
Daily Chart :
Di sisi lain, pada daily chart IHSG terlihat bahwa support MA 20 Days dan MA 36 Days cukup kuat untuk menahan koreksi IHSG belakangan ini. IHSG juga masih aman di atas pola inverted headand shoulder-nya yang memiliki neckline di level 3.510.Selama IHSG masih mampu ditutup di atas 3.510, pola ini bisa dikatakan masih valid. Untuk indikator terlihat bahwa momentum MACD semakin melemah dan berpotensi untuk death cross apabila IHSG melemah di bawah level 3.470. Indikator stochastic juga masih dalam posisi death cross serta keluar dari overbought area. Support IHSG saat ini berada di level 3.470–3.480 dan resistan di level 3.600–3.630.
Istilah – istilah Ekonomi
Bursa = exchange
pasar finansial dunia = world financial markets
indeks = index
perekonomian Indonesia = Indonesia's economy
saham = stock
investor = investors
ekspektasi = expectations
perseroan = company
domestic = domestic
capital inflow = capital inflow
konsolidasi = consolidation
Jumat, 18 Maret 2011
It Must Have Been Love
It Must Have Been Love Lyrics
It must have been love but it's over now
Lay a whisper on my pillow
Leave the winter on the ground
I wake up lonely, there's air of silence
In the bedroom and all around
Touch me now, I close my eyes
And dream away
It must have been love but it's over now
It must have been good but I lost it somehow
It must have been love but it's over now
From the moment we touched till the time had run out
Make believing we're together
That I'm sheltered by your heart
But in and outside, I turned to water
Like a teardrop in your palm
And it's a hard winter's day
I dream away
It must have been love but it's over now
It was all that I wanted, now, I'm living without
It must have been love but it's over now
It's where the water flows, it's where the wind blows
It must have been love but it's over now
It must have been good but I lost it somehow
It must have been love but it's over now
From the moment we touched till the time had run out
Yeah, it must have been love but it's over now
It was all that I wanted, now, I'm living without
It must have been love but it's over now
It's where the water flows, it's where the wind blows
It must have been love but it's over now
It must have been love but it's over now
Kini Harus Mencintai nya
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Berbaring berbisik di atas bantal saya
Tinggalkan musim dingin di tanah
Aku bangun kesepian, ada udara keheningan
Di kamar tidur dan di sekeliling
Sentuh aku sekarang, aku menutup mataku
Dan mimpi pergi
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Pasti bagus aku kehilangan entah bagaimana
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Dari saat kita menyentuh sampai waktu telah habis
Membuat percaya kita bersama-sama
Bahwa aku dilindungi oleh jantung Anda
Tetapi dalam dan luar, aku berubah menjadi air
Seperti tetes air mata di telapak tangan Anda
Dan itu hari musim dingin yang keras
Aku bermimpi pergi
Pasti cinta tu sudah berakhir sekarang
Itu semua yang saya mau, sekarang, aku hidup tanpa
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Itu tempat air mengalir, itu di mana angin bertiup
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Pasti bagus aku kehilangan entah bagaimana
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Dari saat kita menyentuh sampai waktu telah habis
Ya, pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Itu semua yang saya mau, sekarang, aku hidup tanpa
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Itu tempat air mengalir, itu di mana angin bertiup
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
It must have been love but it's over now
Lay a whisper on my pillow
Leave the winter on the ground
I wake up lonely, there's air of silence
In the bedroom and all around
Touch me now, I close my eyes
And dream away
It must have been love but it's over now
It must have been good but I lost it somehow
It must have been love but it's over now
From the moment we touched till the time had run out
Make believing we're together
That I'm sheltered by your heart
But in and outside, I turned to water
Like a teardrop in your palm
And it's a hard winter's day
I dream away
It must have been love but it's over now
It was all that I wanted, now, I'm living without
It must have been love but it's over now
It's where the water flows, it's where the wind blows
It must have been love but it's over now
It must have been good but I lost it somehow
It must have been love but it's over now
From the moment we touched till the time had run out
Yeah, it must have been love but it's over now
It was all that I wanted, now, I'm living without
It must have been love but it's over now
It's where the water flows, it's where the wind blows
It must have been love but it's over now
It must have been love but it's over now
Kini Harus Mencintai nya
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Berbaring berbisik di atas bantal saya
Tinggalkan musim dingin di tanah
Aku bangun kesepian, ada udara keheningan
Di kamar tidur dan di sekeliling
Sentuh aku sekarang, aku menutup mataku
Dan mimpi pergi
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Pasti bagus aku kehilangan entah bagaimana
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Dari saat kita menyentuh sampai waktu telah habis
Membuat percaya kita bersama-sama
Bahwa aku dilindungi oleh jantung Anda
Tetapi dalam dan luar, aku berubah menjadi air
Seperti tetes air mata di telapak tangan Anda
Dan itu hari musim dingin yang keras
Aku bermimpi pergi
Pasti cinta tu sudah berakhir sekarang
Itu semua yang saya mau, sekarang, aku hidup tanpa
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Itu tempat air mengalir, itu di mana angin bertiup
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Pasti bagus aku kehilangan entah bagaimana
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Dari saat kita menyentuh sampai waktu telah habis
Ya, pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Itu semua yang saya mau, sekarang, aku hidup tanpa
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Itu tempat air mengalir, itu di mana angin bertiup
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Pasti cinta itu sudah berakhir sekarang
Contoh-contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif
1. Jack sings a song (active)
2. A song is sung by Jack (Passive)
1. Jack sang a song yesterday (active)
2. A song was sung by Jack yesterday (passive)
1. Jack has sung a song (active)
2. A song has been sung by Jack (passive)
1. Jack will sing a song (active)
2. A song will be sung by Jack (passive)
1. Jack is singing a song (active)
2. A song is being sung by Jack (passive)
1. Jack can sing a song (active)
2. A song can be sung by Jack (passive)
2. A song is sung by Jack (Passive)
1. Jack sang a song yesterday (active)
2. A song was sung by Jack yesterday (passive)
1. Jack has sung a song (active)
2. A song has been sung by Jack (passive)
1. Jack will sing a song (active)
2. A song will be sung by Jack (passive)
1. Jack is singing a song (active)
2. A song is being sung by Jack (passive)
1. Jack can sing a song (active)
2. A song can be sung by Jack (passive)
Kalimat Question Text
• You won’t leave me, will you?
• They will go to Sumatera, won’t they?
• Aditya comes from Italy, doesn’t she?
• This is your house, isn’t it?
• Those are your cars, aren’t they?
• There is a party tonight, isn’t there?
• Everything is okay, isn’t it?
• Everyone did homework, didn’t they?
• You don’t like gardening, do you?
• Karina doesn’t love Mandra, does she?
• They will go to Sumatera, won’t they?
• Aditya comes from Italy, doesn’t she?
• This is your house, isn’t it?
• Those are your cars, aren’t they?
• There is a party tonight, isn’t there?
• Everything is okay, isn’t it?
• Everyone did homework, didn’t they?
• You don’t like gardening, do you?
• Karina doesn’t love Mandra, does she?
• They can control their own budgets. (kemampuan/kemungkinan)
• Can I smoke here? (Minta Izin)
• Can you help me? (Permintaan)
• Could I borrow your dictionary? (Minta Izin)
• Could you say it again more slowly? (Permintaan)
• We could try to fix it ourselves. (Saran)
• I think we could have another Gulf War. (Kemungkinan)
• He gave up his old job so he could work for us. (Kemampuan)
• May I have another cup of coffee? (Minta Izin)
• China may become a major economic power. (Kemungkinan)
• They might give us a 10% discount. (Kemungkinan)
• We must say good-bye now. (Keharusan)
• They mustn't disrupt the work more than necessary. (Larangan)
Ought to
• We ought to employ a professional writer. (Menyarankan)
(jarang dipakai di Amerika)
• Shall I help you with your luggage? (Menawarkan)
• Shall we say 2.30 then? (Menyarankan)
• Shall I do that or will you? (Meminta)
• We should sort out this problem at once. (Menyarankan)
• I think we should check everything again. (Merekomendasikan)
• Profits should increase next year. (Prediksi tak tentu)
• I can't see any taxis so I'll walk. (Keputusan Spontan)
• I'll do that for you if you like. (Menawarkan)
• I'll get back to you first thing on Monday. (Janji)
• Profits will increase next year. (Prediksi tak tentu)
• Would you mind if I brought a colleague with me? (Minta Izin)
• Would you pass the salt please? (Permintaan)
• Would you mind waiting a moment? (Permintaan)
• "Would three o'clock suit you?" - "That'd be fine." (Mengatur)
• Would you like to play golf this Friday? (Mengundang)
• "Would you prefer tea or coffee?" - "I'd like tea please." (Merujuk)
Modal auxiliary verbs selalu diikuti oleh bentuk kata kerja pertama.
• They can control their own budgets. (kemampuan/kemungkinan)
• Can I smoke here? (Minta Izin)
• Can you help me? (Permintaan)
• Could I borrow your dictionary? (Minta Izin)
• Could you say it again more slowly? (Permintaan)
• We could try to fix it ourselves. (Saran)
• I think we could have another Gulf War. (Kemungkinan)
• He gave up his old job so he could work for us. (Kemampuan)
• May I have another cup of coffee? (Minta Izin)
• China may become a major economic power. (Kemungkinan)
• They might give us a 10% discount. (Kemungkinan)
• We must say good-bye now. (Keharusan)
• They mustn't disrupt the work more than necessary. (Larangan)
Ought to
• We ought to employ a professional writer. (Menyarankan)
(jarang dipakai di Amerika)
• Shall I help you with your luggage? (Menawarkan)
• Shall we say 2.30 then? (Menyarankan)
• Shall I do that or will you? (Meminta)
• We should sort out this problem at once. (Menyarankan)
• I think we should check everything again. (Merekomendasikan)
• Profits should increase next year. (Prediksi tak tentu)
• I can't see any taxis so I'll walk. (Keputusan Spontan)
• I'll do that for you if you like. (Menawarkan)
• I'll get back to you first thing on Monday. (Janji)
• Profits will increase next year. (Prediksi tak tentu)
• Would you mind if I brought a colleague with me? (Minta Izin)
• Would you pass the salt please? (Permintaan)
• Would you mind waiting a moment? (Permintaan)
• "Would three o'clock suit you?" - "That'd be fine." (Mengatur)
• Would you like to play golf this Friday? (Mengundang)
• "Would you prefer tea or coffee?" - "I'd like tea please." (Merujuk)
Modal auxiliary verbs selalu diikuti oleh bentuk kata kerja pertama.
Kalimat dalam bentuk simple past tense
-I launched this blog on july 14th 2009
-I saw her standing there
-My Father bought this car last year
-They went to Tokyo last month
-She went home two minutes ago
-When did my father buy this car?
-Why did they go to tokyo?
- He said that he missed his girlfriend
- I played football with some guys from work yesterday
- They did not go to hospital
-I saw her standing there
-My Father bought this car last year
-They went to Tokyo last month
-She went home two minutes ago
-When did my father buy this car?
-Why did they go to tokyo?
- He said that he missed his girlfriend
- I played football with some guys from work yesterday
- They did not go to hospital
Contoh kalimat dalam bentuk present perfect tense
1. I have been to Ancol before.
Saya sudah pernah ke Ancol sebelumnya.
2. He has been shot by me just now.
Dia sudah tertembak oleh ku tadi.
3. I have eaten.
Saya sudah makan.
4. We have sung Indonesia Raya together.
Kami telah menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya bersama-sama.
5. Nungki has been here since yesterday.
Nungki sudah berada disini kemarin.
6. We have eaten or lunch already.
Kami sudah selesai memakan makan siang kami.
7. She has met your mother.
Dia telah berjumpa ibummu.
8. She has just spoken to them.
Dia baru saja bicara dengan mereka.
9. Have I shot the bird just now?
Apakah saya sudah menembak burung itu tadi.
10. Has she seduced me twice?
Apakah dia sudah merayu saya dua kali?
Saya sudah pernah ke Ancol sebelumnya.
2. He has been shot by me just now.
Dia sudah tertembak oleh ku tadi.
3. I have eaten.
Saya sudah makan.
4. We have sung Indonesia Raya together.
Kami telah menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya bersama-sama.
5. Nungki has been here since yesterday.
Nungki sudah berada disini kemarin.
6. We have eaten or lunch already.
Kami sudah selesai memakan makan siang kami.
7. She has met your mother.
Dia telah berjumpa ibummu.
8. She has just spoken to them.
Dia baru saja bicara dengan mereka.
9. Have I shot the bird just now?
Apakah saya sudah menembak burung itu tadi.
10. Has she seduced me twice?
Apakah dia sudah merayu saya dua kali?
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